
Thursday, November 10, 2011

God Speaks in All Kinds of Ways

I love that the Father will speak to us however we will best receive something. As I was journaling last night, I prayed about assurance that nothing is impossible with God. I started to think, "If God is in the equation...." Then my math brain turned on, and suddenly I was thinking in equations. I thought of first God as variable "x." Which gives Him limitless possibilities. But then I considered, "What if the equation ended up over 0 because of whatever x equaled; then it would be undefiined" [EX: x+1/x-2 when x=2 the denominator equals 0 and it is undefined]. So I considered x/0 and its undefined state. He said, "Who says I'm defined?" What it came down to looks something like this:
 God doesn't equal x, but God = x/0. Which is undefined. Because it is undefined, we can never know what it is capable of. So in any equation where the Lord is involved, it is undefined by human standards. The possibilities and capabilities of the equations are beyond our understanding. Therefore, anything and everything is possible with that equation because we cannot say it is not. Luke 1:37 (NLT) - "For nothing is impossible with God."
Boom. God proved with math! And here's another scripture just to follow that up:
“God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.”   Job 37:5 (NIV)
I know that many people don't like math and don't like to think in math, but I love that the Father will speak to each of us however we will hear best and find revelation. On the same subject-ish, the Father spoke to the other side of my brain in metaphor last spring. Or rather, He explained a metaphor to me. A metaphor I didn't see before. I was driving down the road considering different things and thought about science. Not science in terms of say, a chemistry class, but science as it has come to be a belief system and the sole explanation of the world. Often by both streams of thought, Christian and science, think about and call the other thought process "opposing." So that is what I was considering. I was thinking about how I haven't ever really seen them as opposing but as coordinating. That's when the Father gave me this nugget:
Science is a metaphor created by God so that we can better understand who He is and how He works. But because it is not the Real Thing, like all metaphors, eventually it breaks down and leaves us in want of more, in want of the Real Thing.
So science isn't here to mess us up; nor is it here to solve everything. It is here so that when we reach our ends with it and it can give us no explanation beyond what we know, we are left hungry (hungrier) for the Lord and Creator of everything who will never break down or leave us in want because He is wholly sufficient.

Well, there are my few cents for the morning. I love that He has given me a brain to hear from both sides and that He speaks to the side of the brain I need to hear from according to each situation or revelation. Gosh, He is good.

"Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth,
   sing praise to the Lord,
to him who rides across the highest heavens, the ancient heavens,
   who thunders with mighty voice.
Proclaim the power of God,
   whose majesty is over Israel,
   whose power is in the heavens. 
You, God, are awesome in your sanctuary;
   the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.
   Praise be to God!"
 ~ Psalm 68:32-35

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