
About Me

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. My identity begins and ends in Him. But, you know, here are some more specific facts.

I'm the girl who....
loves Jesus so much. He never ceases to amaze and move and love me. I've given Him everything.
loves to laugh, sing and dance.  As much as possible.
loves to write - songs, poems, prose, thoughts, arguments, joys, what I'm learning, struggles - it's all the same.
loves the feeling of accomplishment that comes with filling a page. Or the success of finding the perfect word for what I am trying to convey.
loves to play - a word that I use loosely, meaning have fun, go on adventures, laugh hard, be ridiculous.
loves to love people. You know 'em, all those 5 love languages; however I can love somebody, that's what I love to do.
loves to hear about people's lives and stories and experiences, whatever they are, however big or small.

loves to be in the mountains.
loves to stargaze.
loves to be barefoot.
loves to be on or near water.
loves to read and learn, but mostly through self-directed subjects, not required information.

loves to pray and am astounded that we can have a conversation with the Father all the time, anytime.

loves to do construction or look at construction or talk about construction.
graduated from Clemson University with a degree in English - Writing and Publication Studies major and Psychology minor.
is simply fascinated by the very concept of language.
has faith beyond her own understanding at times, and realizing her own faith causes her doubt.
has a special place in her heart for the people and region of rural Appalachia.
checks one off the list daily.
doesn't mind going on a trip for a week with people who are all nearly 3x her age.
doesn't get stressed or worked up very often or for more than an evening when it does happen.
wants to be outside doing stuff as much as possible.
sometimes thinks she lives in her own world.
doesn't sit or stand or be still very well.
gets distracted easily but retains information really well, all in one strange way.
can sing like a 5-year-old.
can sing the Mario theme song on a "hom" syllable. You'd have to hear it to understand what that means.

broke 5 bones in 9 years and was diagnosed with osteoporosis at the age of 14. And probably no longer has it.

remembers people's birthdays or dates in general supa well. If the date has been registered, it is remembered far longer than she would even like. Example: dates that she got braces on and off
is loved by her Father, was chosen from the beginning of time to be here right now living the life that I am, adopted into His family, delighted in, seen as beautiful, considered a friend, is blessed, is seen as holy and blameless in His sight, is redeemed, had made known to her the mystery of His will, received the promise of the Holy Spirit, has been seated in heavenly places, was made alive in Christ, is a special treasure of the Father's.
who knows that God has incredible plans for her life and will do everything she can to abide in Him and see those plans come to fruition and bring Him glory.