
Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Daddy Loves Me

You called me beautiful long ago.
You set significance in my heart when I was three.
You told me to reach for the stars
     and they would be mine.
You gave me a voice that carries far and wide
     and a heart that loves deeply.
You gave me family before I knew what it was.
You give me wisdom beyond my experiences and my years.
You lavish blessing after blessing on me,
     the apple of your eye.
You never let me settle for less than the
     best you have for me.
You gave me faith the size of a mustard seed
     and grew it to bigger than I could realize for years.
You share with me the mystery of your plans.
You love me extravagantly when I deserve my tears.
You gave me a memory that never forgets
     so that I may always remember your blessings and promises.
You taught me Your name before I will ever understand my own.
You gave me dreams and rest before I ever realized their value.
You gave me grace before I ever knew I needed it.
You treasured me long before I ever treasured myself.
You set me apart as Yours alone before anyone else could try to claim.
You kept me pure before I desired purity myself.
You gave me feet that danced to a song different from what
     any ears had heard long before it was the cool thing to do.
You gave me joy before I learned it was more than just happy.
You gave me hope before the world could share its poverty.
You gave me identity long before I learned who I am and walked in it.
You cared for me every time I climbed up into Your arms, my Refuge.
You've made me perfect for my destiny
     before I get to see the whole puzzle.
You've made me perfect to fill a part of your heart
     that never existed before.
You made me perfect and you like me.
You made me perfect and you love me.